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Elevate, Blossom and Celebrate

You have a wonderful inner source of healing power and love. Tap into this limitless source and become your master and co-creator of your divine, sacred self. With dedication and guidance, you will thrive more than ever and live a magical life!

Shamanic Life Teachings

New Apprenticeship Program Developed by Philinda

Enter into an altered state of perception to connect with the spirit worlds for divination and healing self and others

shamanic life teachings with Philinda

New program for healing self and others using assistance energy and spirit guides, subtle and guardians ancestors. Learn how to move between worlds and master healing.

As you develop new capabilities, your three-dimensional perception takes on an added dimensions of intuitive knowing and magical healing insight. Access information from other levels of reality and experience a deeper communion with your ancestor and spirit guides. Feel more alive AND more open to subtle messages from the world around you. Start living and breathing the spirit of love and beauty in your daily life.


12 Chakra Activation Program Developed by Philinda

We are presented with opportunities as we flow with the currents of life. Activate to open to even more opportunities.

manifest your life as your dream it awake
chakra enlightenment and attuning with the universe

New program using the power of your 12 chakras to live a life you dream to have. Learn to set your intentions for succeeding.

When accepting all aspects of your desires and needs, you feel more confident and centered. This brings joy and happiness for you recognize who you truly are in body, mind and spirit. Especially your spirit! When you acknowledge your 12 chakra spiritual dimensions, you align with your true self and your spirit will soar in manifesting a lovely life. Learn to develop your chakra intuition and you will always feel safer, happier, stronger and clearer.

Intuitive Guidance

Sometimes you need a guide to help you hear your true self.

medical intuitive to find the root cause of pain and trauma

Gain insight into your own unique life experiences for greater awareness.  Empower yourself to make effective life changes you've always wanted to make. May include Oracle Readings, Medical Intuitive Diagnosis, Aura and Chakra Analysis, Dream Interpretation, Home Clearing and Blessing.

End of Life Death Doula

A Magical Approach to a Meaningful Death 

end of life guidance and support

Find extra support, comfort and celebration for yourself, your family, and friends during this last stage of life. This time is special. Your wishes are important for a peaceful and honoring closure. May include: Emotional support, ease of physical pain, and educational plans.


Spiritual Master Programs: Take your spirit to the next level.

find you inner gifts and power to live the life you dream

Work one-on-one with master healer and instructor Philinda. Designed for deep personal work to step in the role of "light worker". Explore and deepen your commitment to raise your spirit to its highest potential. Develop your healing abilities with fun, magical, challenging, and sacred activities. Follow your bliss! 

Universal Shamanic Healing

Possession, Paranormal and Soul Retrieval

shamanic soul journeys for transformation and healing

These sessions allow you to work in harmony with spirit guides giving you more energy to hold and maintain. Connect and strengthen your personal power with your your allies. May include: guidance, protection, removal and exploration of multidimensional and other worldly energies. 

Philinda has been leading ceremonies, blessings, and rites of passage rituals for 28 years. She believes celebrations bring joy, magic, a sense of specialness. She loves to elevate and enrich all!

Meaningful Ceremonies, Initiations, Rites of Passage

Celebrate Times Joyfully

sound healing to reach the root cause
celebrate your life with others
Celebrate all life events!

Celebrations are concrete acts of compassion guiding us through our lives by thoughtful intent and engage our deepest love. When attuned to this love, you can create celebrations that are rich and affirming. Take time out for marking important milestones. Celebrating has a positive impact on your future thoughts and actions. Celebrating can also incentivize you to be more mindful of your thoughts, actions, and deeds. Celebrate life! May include: Baby Blessing, Weddings, Anniversaries, Divorces, Preparing for Dying, Graduations, Rite of Passage Ceremonies and other joyful and affirming markers.

tap into universal life force energy

Spiritual Guidance - Using Your Spirit for Support and Life Purpose

Step into your sacred world!

Call now to find out more ...

Offering 15 min complimentary consult

Distance Appointments Available

Philinda meets anywhere on the planet via distance sessions
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